
How GenomeBuddy’s DNA Kit can Help you Optimize Your Health Goals

How GenomeBuddy’s DNA Kit can Help you Optimize Your Health Goals
DNA tests are commonly known for discovering ancestry insights and revealing family trees. Not only does this analyze whether you are neanderthal or not, we are now able to optimize a personalized diet and exercise based on your unique genetic profile. No two people share the same DNA (unless you’re a twin) and a diet that works for you, might not work for someone else.

Empower Your Everyday Choices and Get Insights about Your DNA with Genome Buddy

Empower Your Everyday Choices and Get Insights about Your DNA with Genome Buddy
Whether it sparks a curiosity of heritage or a trait as obvious as our eye colour, our DNA makes up who we are and unravels how our body responds to dietary, exercise and lifestyle choices. The at-home genetic test has grown in popularity over the past few years to even make space in the marketplace for the genetic insights on your canine.